On April 23rd, Redditor raisin_bran_ submitted KaptainKarmel's GIF in a post titled "So I found out there's such a thing as /r/spiders" to the /r/funny subreddit, where it gained over 21,300 up votes and 700 comments prior to being archived. In the comments section, Redditor KaptainKarmel replied with an original animated GIF of a man sitting at a computer who hits a red "Nope" button and is disintegrated by a laser shot from space (shown below, left). NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE" to the /r/pics subreddit. On April 21st, 2012, Redditor jeth submitted a photograph of an engorged tick titled "Just pulled this off my dog. On November 11th, 2011, Redditor oddfuture445 submitted a photograph of a person holding a black widow spider titled "Nope Nope Nope D:" to the /r/WTF subreddit, receiving upwards of 1,700 up votes and 200 comments before being archived (shown below).